Board Gaming While Sick

Image by Martine from Pixabay

Board gaming is one of the more social activities one can embark upon, but what can an attention-deprived player do when the social aspect of board gaming disappears? The world learned the answer in 2020, and that answer was not that appealing: nothing. It wasn’t until much later, when video chat became popularized, that any virtual options even existed. Board gamers everywhere were disappointed, lonely and antsy for anything. Times have changed but the isolation associated with sickness remains to this day. Here are a few tips for players who are in some form of quarantine, due to sickness or self-imposed hypochondria, on how to get your board gaming fix even if you’re socially distanced:

Believe in yourself

The body may be physically weak but it’s the mind that truly kicks off the healing process. With a few positive thoughts and affirmations, anyone can will themselves into the true pinnacle of fitness and a paragon of health. Start by replaying all of your favorite board gaming victories in your head, like the time you convinced an entire table to gang up on your 5 year old cousin who just wanted to hang with the adults for a few minutes. Her tears fuel your healing journey.

Don’t take “no” for an answer

Locks on doors are merely suggestions for etiquette on when to forcefully enter another person’s home. After all, what are people demanding you leave their property at once if not new friends in the making? And who are friends if not folks who will support you in any endeavor? Be sure to equip yourself with a few fanny packs full of board game supplies for easy access; time is limited before the security team shows up.

Cover your mouth when you cough

Still, your germs are not meant to be spread, so you must take precautions to ensure no one else becomes afflicted with whatever “previously eradicated” disease with which you’ve been saddled. When you feel a particularly phlegm-y cough coming in, be sure to take care and cover your mouth. Reach for a nearby bath towel—the ones hanging in the bedroom that seem recently used are a good bet—or, if you’re not near the bathroom, the sleeve of your neighbor makes a fine replacement in a pinch. Childrens’ teddy bears include plenty of folds and fluffy corners to catch your noxious snot. Feel free to experiment and explore until you find something that feels right.

Get plenty of sleep

Regardless of what ails ya, rest is the best medicine. I’m sure your friends have a spare bedroom you can pop in on for the week; maybe the top bunk in the bedroom of their 25-year-old adult son?

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