Gamification of Chores

As the weather gets nicer, the excuses for putting off chores become more threadbare. The lawn needs mowing, the garage could use a good decluttering and the gutters are overflowing with allergens from nearby trees. But why do today what you can do tomorrow, you might wonder? Well, this ain’t our first rodeo: Procrastination is a heck of a slippery slope. Thankfully, our fondness for board games provides us with the tools to ensure chores get done and procrastination is kicked to the curb. Enter gamification, a way to turn rote tasks into rewarding side quests. Here’s more on how the concept can spur lasting chore-doing:

Lawn mower speedrun
Mowing a poorly maintained lawn—and, let’s be honest, any person reading these anti-procrastination tips likely has a lawn fit for a vacant lot—is an overwhelming proposition, likely to be the most arduous few hours of the week. But, by implementing gamification, the amount of torturous time can be cut into a minuscule sliver. Try timing yourself the first time you attempt to mow, then measure subsequent times against the initial one to track progress. If you’re able to regularly shatter your previous times, add a wrinkle by mowing a maze pattern you must solve in the moment. If you’re still too much of an expert, consider opening a lawn care business or lobbying the Olympics committee.

Junk toss
Clutter has a way of piling up in corners, and the best way to fight clutter is to counter the collection process by turning it into an aerial one. Grab a fistful of garbage bags, fill them to the brim and head to your backyard (or, if you don’t have one, head to the Target parking lot). For best effect, grab a neighbor, as well; whomever can toss the bag the furthest distance and get the most airtime wins the fabulous prize of picking everything up. Yes, just because it’s a game doesn’t mean you should try to win.

Hornet’s nest javelin
That hornet’s nest above the patio has been giving us all trouble for some time now. Understandably, it’s taken awhile to work up the courage to attack this haven of murderous insects, but this time you’ve got gamification on your side. Simply take a rake from the garage and snap off a few of the tines. You’re ready to stand a few feet back and hoist that rake into the air towards the nest. Scoring includes number of angry hornets that emerge, distance the nest falls to the ground and how many emergency calls it takes to get someone competent to show up after you insult their entire operation.

Bank auction BINGO
After too much time without lawn care, the rats started coming in and the city deemed your property condemned and unfit to house humans. Your house is foreclosed upon and everything goes up for sale. Listen for the list of auction items and try to find something from every letter of the alphabet—from Apple Watch to Zapple Watch (cheap knockoff)! Wave goodbye to the rest of your things and start training for next year’s games, if there are any.

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